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Places you want to visit in Malaysia



  • Malaysia


  • Malaysia


  • Malaysia


  • Malaysia


Not only is Malaysia a melting pot of ethnic cultures, but it is also a blend of many different customs, cuisines and religions all coexisting peacefully together. From large island groups to mountains, fertile highlands, tropical rainforest and mangrove estuaries, the country’s geography is every bit as diverse. What’s more, Malaysia is a unique country in that is divided into two main landmasses. West Malaysia occupies the southern half of a peninsula shared with Thailand, while across the South China Sea is East Malaysia, situated on the Borneo island.

Capital: Kuala Lumpur.
Coordinates: 2.3167° N, 111.5500° E
Climate/Weather: The main variable of Malaysia's climate is not temperature or air pressure, but rainfall. In general, the climate of Malaysia can be described as typical tropical climate, with the coastal plains averaging 28°C, the inland and mountain areas averaging 26°C, and the higher mountain regions, 23°C. The area's relative humidity is quite high, and ranges between 70 and 90 percent.
Currency: Malaysian ringgit.
Official language: Malaysian Language.
Government: Elective monarchy, Constitutional monarchy, Democracy, Parliamentary system.
  • Bako Sea Stack
  • Cameron Highlands
  • Georgetown Inner City
  • Gunung Mulu National Park
  • Kota Bharu
  • Kota Kinabalu
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Kuching
  • Langkawi
  • Melaka
  • Mount Kinabalu
  • Mulu Caves
  • Penang
  • Perhentian Islands
  • Pulau Kapas
  • Pulau Mabul
  • Pulau Pangkor
  • Pulau Tenggol
  • Pulau Tioman
  • Redang
  • Sepilok Rehabilition Centre
  • Sipadan
  • Taman Negara

Attractive Tourist Places

Gunung Mulu National Park
Gunung Mulu National Park

Famous for its extraordinary limestone karst formations and phenomenal cave systems, the Gunung Mulu National Park is one of the most awe-inspiring natural attractions in all of Southeast Asia. Located in Malaysian Borneo in the Sarawak State, this national park features some of the largest and longest cave systems in the world. Included in these is the world’s largest cave chamber, the Sarawak Chamber, which is estimated large enough to hold 40 Boeing 747 aircraft.


Located off Malaysia’s northwestern coast in the Andaman Sea, Langkawi is an archipelago of 99 islands boasting picturesque beaches, rainforest, mangroves and forest-clad mountains. In recent years, resorts, hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities have developed in Langkawi, offering visitors the opportunity to experience the archipelago’s exceptional natural beauty.

Taman Negara
Taman Negara

Encompassing three states across the northern part of West Malaysia, Taman Negara is reputed to be the oldest tropical rainforest in the world. A popular ecotourism and adventure destination, this national park is teeming in in wildlife from rare plants to exotic birds and scarce animals like the Malayan Tiger, Asian elephant and Sumatran Rhinoceros.

Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur

Less than 200 year ago, Kuala Lumpur was just a quiet tin-mining town in West Malaysia. Today, this same sleepy village has flourished into the country’s federal capital and largest metropolis. Commonly called KL by locals, this vibrant city is a cultural melting pot, noted for its impressive skyscrapers and buzzing scenes of shopping, dining and nightlife.


Located in the Strait of Malacca off West Malaysia’s northwestern coast, Penang Island is a popular tourist destination due to its historic George Town and rich culinary diversity. Its position along one of the world’s most traveled shipping routes has infused Penang with a colorful array of cultures, architecture and cuisine.


The largest city on Borneo Island, Kuching is a popular base for exploring Borneo’s rainforest and the state of Sarawak. However, Kuching offers plenty for tourists to see and do during their stay, from sightseeing historic landmarks to bustling markets and outdoor recreation.

Kota Kinabalu
Kota Kinabalu

The capital of the Sabah State in Malaysian Borneo, Kota Kinabalu is a fast-growing tourist destination due to its close proximity to tropical islands, rainforests, wildlife refuges, national parks and Malaysia’s tallest peak, Mount Kinabalu.

Cameron Highlands
Cameron Highlands

Providing a cool escape from the heat of the lowlands, the Cameron Highlands in the Titiwangsa Mountains are one of Malaysia’s oldest tourist destinations. Developed with an English garden charm, this beautiful tableland offers lush scenery, colorful flower farms, tea plantations, forests, lakes, wildlife and outdoor recreation.


Commanding an important position on the busy sea route between India and China on West Malaysia’s southwestern coast, Melaka was ruled and battled over for centuries between Indian, Portuguese, British and Dutch governments. As a result, this modern day Malaysian city is now one of the best places to visit in Malaysia packed with architecture, culture, traditions and cuisine all reflecting its rich heritage.

Kota Bharu
Kota Bharu

Often used as a stopover by many travelers visiting the beautiful Perhentian Islands, Kota Bharu offers its own unique charm, attractions, shopping and cuisine. Located in Peninsular Malaysia near the Thailand border, Kota Bharu is the capital of the Kelantan State, a city easy to get around in by foot, bus and taxi.

and many more.

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If countries were awarded for diversity, Malaysia would top first place.”

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